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The weather is so nice...and hot. I really need to plan for my vacation....


- You've just read Rushita's heart - May 14, 2004 - 3:45 p.m. [ Comments ]

Sunshine and no sunshine

Summer is here. We went from heating straight into air-conditioning. I pull out my summer clothes now. Told you we hardly get a chance to wear spring or fall clothes. I'm pretty sure it will get colder for a little while before we really get into full-blown summer, but for now, it is already already hotter than the westcoast. They are 18 degree celcius, we are 28. So, despite my rant to Ocha about the weather here just 4 days ago, Toronto is now hotter than Seattle...and it will be this way until winter comes again. If we are going to get a bit colder the next couple of weeks, I'll just wear an extra piece of clothing on top of my summer clothes, instead of wearing less out of winter clothes.

There is my biggest rant for the week: If you are asking a pharmacist about what is good to be used for whatever mis-alignment you have, please bring somebody who can speak English (or the other 2 languages that I can speak) with you. How can I tell you what is good for you to use if you can't understand a word I say @_@;; It is not a "yes/no" question. It is not even a multiple-choice question. It is an essay and an interactive essay. If I can't get anything out of you and you can't understand anything I say, how am I supposed to give you a recommendation? If you come to get a prescription fill, please bring somebody who can speak English too. I have to tell you how you use your medicine and it doesn't work if you just stare at me blankly. e.e;; Either you brush up your English, or go to the community where people speak your language, or just go find somebody who can interpret for you if you need to go out to the English speaking world. I'm not having very good patience if I've spent 5 minutes answering your questions and 5 minutes later you ask me the exact same questions all over again.

The game is going nicely. I now have a son named "Jonathan". I'm tired, I need to go to bed e.e


- You've just read Rushita's heart - May 13, 2004 - 11:14 p.m. [ Comments ]

Random Updates

The past week was mainly consisted of moving up to my room and putting everything into new shelves and cupboards. I have too many paper documents and pharmacy magazine that I want to keep e.e;; I don't have as much empty space left as I hope would have. I still had my old Chinese composition and English composition class work from secondary school in Hong Kong, like almost 20 years ago. It was quite "interesting" reading them for the last time before throwing them into garbage. Recycle, to be exact. What was interesting wasn't what I wrote. It was the fact that those composition topic was sooooooo boring and old fashion and I wrote so little and so bad. I remember I had so much trouble to finish any composition at school before the deadline time on the same day. I had a lot of trouble thinking of something to write about, even when all I needed wasn't that many number of words. e.e;; Mainly because the topics were too uninteresting and I couldn't think of anything. I did so bad in composition (mainly the Chinese composition....English composition wasn't any better but English wasn't the first language, so you can't expect much), and I made so many grammar and word mistakes. Whenever I had to do composition in school, my mind just went blank @_@;; I swear I can write much better now. So I put them all in a plastic bag for recycling and just kept 2 that I did the best and I liked the most. One of them was a story writing contest that was a take home assignment over the christmas holiday. I actually got an A from it that I'm sure it surprised my Chinese teacher. I really believe that it was the problem with the topic. I could write stories, and I just couldn't write other boring types of writting works. The other one was about "Black Friday" that was basically a story as well. I could make plots and write story alright. They just never gave you this kind of topic for Chinese composition exams. e.e;;

The room ended up to be the same as before. We didn't move the funiture and everything pretty much stayed the same place as before. I'm too lazy to put the grow-in-the-dark stars and contellations back on the ceiling. Someday when I feel like it I'll do it. Now that I have wooden floor, I can't stand on my rolling chairs. They slide on the floor too well.

Gold membership reminder has been out already and I'm still thinking if I want to renew it or get b2 to host my blog on my site instead. After the domain issue, I kinda want to keep this dairy outside the domain, so when whatever happen to my domain, the blog is still up. If I'm going to renew it, I would probably get super gold instead to get the comment thing. If I don't renew it, I would lost the "wisdom of the day" and "grant me the power to revolutionize the world!" thing. Besides, I think diaryland has done a wonderful job that I think it would be fair to support the service when I can afford it. I believe people deserve to get paid for their service and hard work. I cannot believe how some customers of mine expect to get the best of everything the way they want, NOW and FREE. It is fairly common to happen in people from a couple of ethnic groups as I observe. I won't mention the ethnic groups because I don't want people to kill me for being racist XD I'm not trying to label you, but if most people who do that are from those groups, you really have a problem. It is quite sad that those people lived in a society or culture that people cheat and take advantage of each other. You can't be the one that always take advantage of people. People take advantage of you too from other areas so the society would run and balance. I don't believe why people can't live in harmony with each other, be nice and repect each other. If everybody is nice and peaceful, nobody needs to take advantage of anybody and it will be a win-win situation. Of course, I'm expecting too much. Such situation will only occurs in heaven or when Jesus Christ comes back to give us new world. No wonder God is so upset about the sins among people.


- You've just read Rushita's heart - May 08, 2004 - 12:16 a.m. [ Comments ]

Trying to be productive

I learned what "Lei" is yesterday after reading 2 con reports and did a little research on it. Never new that word before and I actually found a site that would teach you how to make a Lei (and other hawaiian stuff). Reading reports of a con that you didn't go to is only fun when it is about the people you know and when you read 2 of more of them together. Everyone tends to write their side of the story and you need at least 2 different report to put the picture together and understand what is going on. Also, "Lei" is probably not the only thing I learned from the 2 reports ^_~. I can kind of read between lines.

It is time for that major rant about the requirement for a pharmacist again, now that I've once again received that quality assurance self-assessment thingy. I re-emphasize that I truely believe a person needs to have a balanced life. You can't expect me to devote my whole life to pharmacy. That is so sick. I have a life, thankyouverymuch. When I put close to 40 hours a week to pharmacy, there isn't really much time left after sleeping (72 hours to be exact). Make that less than 50 hours after taking off the time spend on eating (and preparing food), driving, taking a bath and other personal hygiene things. I need to split that 50 hours between family, friends, church, other obligations, personal entainment and relaxation, and other miscellanous thing. I so am not going to have anything to do with pharmacy during that 50 hours. Wait, I haven't even consider the healthy standard of doing 30 minutes of excise each day for 5 days a week..... the advice that we would actually give to our customers. No wonder pharamacists are so deprived and unhealthy (speaking of no time to eat during work shift as well). You want continuing education? Fine, I do that in my own time, my own pace, my own way. I do some during the year and that's all it matters. Don't give me that personal learning objective planning crap. When I have time off work, my personal goal is trying to balance my life between my family, church, and friends, try to maintain a satisfactory relationship with them, make a difference in people life by helping to build a school for those poor kids, and by participating in a community to help kids in rich countries to see the light, and fulfill my responsibility of keeping things in order, etc, etc. My life is not going anywhere if all I think during dayoffs is how to learn more in pharamcy @_@;; For heaven sake, pharamcy is not my life. If you think pharamcy is all your life is about, you have a problem. I seriously would rather spend my own time in doing things that are more meaningful. As long as I do keep myself update once in a while, screw that learning plan. It is not my goal that I need to plan and work on. It is just something that I have to do and I do it. After going through that Purpose Drive Life campaign, C.E. learning is seriously not the purpose of my life. It is just a part that would help me to get to the actual purpose of life.

I finally started to put things back in my room and organize them. It is so tiring moving things e.e;; There are just so many stuff that I don't use but I can't throw them away. They either will come in handy once in a while, or stuff that people gave you and you have to keep them. I'm tired. I will continue putting things away tomorrow. I need boxes. I need those pretty boxes of different sizes so that I can put stuff away nicely. Most of my stuff are sheets of paper of different documents in various sizes that I don't feel like putting them in blinders. There are just so many of them I would need huge blinders e.e;; I just put them in plastic bags since I don't use them anyway.


- You've just read Rushita's heart - May 02, 2004 - 11:50 p.m. [ Comments ]

New Toy

Wee!! I got a new printer. The old one was bought by my brother when I told him I need a printer to go with the old computer system that he left me. That was almost 8 years ago. I so rarely use the printer that each toner lasted 4 years. If you do quick math, that means I need to replace the toner for the second time NOW. I was thinking about changing the printer because it has been unsatisfactory since I changed the toner for the first time 4 years ago. For some reason, it started to give me a grey vertical line right down at the middle of the page after I changed the toner. I did tried to solve that problem 4 years ago, but it didn't work. So I bore with that problem for 4 years because I actually didn't need to print anything official. I just need to print draft and stuff for my own use. Besides, it is a paper-less society these days so I only need to send people the files. Printer is hardly used. I actually didn't know anything about my old printer until yesterday when I checked the user manual that there is such thing as changing the laser drum. Well, I never had to and it never gave a signal to do it, so that figure out how rare I used it. When I went to get a new toner the other day, they are not available anymore.....not unless you do special ordering and as I said in my last blog, it is now very expensive. So...time to look for a new printer.

I saw this Canon i560 in the store the other day and it looks pretty good. The look is important too, and the fact that it doesn't take up too much of my limited desk space. The best thing is, the ink is almost the cheapest. It also comes with the bonus that it is a colour printer and a photo printer. Those 2 I don't really care much, but separate ink tank with twice the black ink size sounds good. These days printer doesn't come only black and white unless you buy the expensive laser printer. I never knew how expensive laser printer was because my old one was a cheap laser printer and of course we have very good laser printer at work. I never thought I would go back to inkjet printer but the price of the laser cartridges really scare you. We change a toner cartridge at work every month and we never know how expensive they really are because we are not the one who pays for it. The price of a cartridge for a laser printer is more expensive than an inkjet colour and photo printer e.e;; I did a little research on the Canon i560 and it turned out it is actually a very good printer. No only the price is good, the quality is good as well. Reviews say it has near-laser quality. Ok, no laser printer, but near-laser quality is good enough for me. Ink-saving sounds very good too. And just for curiosity, I also looked up reviews for my old printer, which is kinda hard to find because it printer is old. Reviews gave the old printer medium-low ratings, and looks like I'm not the only person having the same problems with the old printer (i.e., multiple pages of paper run into the feeder at the same time and that vertical line after changing toner). Sounds like I might actually have to replace the laser drum thingy too. Toner + laser drum = more expensive than a new printer. Ok, old printer bad, Canon i560 good. Ru should get Canon i560. XD

Soooo... for the first time in my life, I actually have a colour printer. XD I don't need to rely on people to make those rare colour prints anymore. I don't think I'll actually do much photo printing, because I'm a firm believer that digital camera images do not need to be printed. You can always view it with the computer and 1 CD worth of images would hold more than a full drawer of photo albums. XD CD saves storage space and last for a long time.

Oh, btw, do search before going to the computer store to buy computer stuff. That saved me from being scared by the store staff that the printer only connects with USB port. I have installed too many hardwares and I have no USB port left. I did make sure the printer uses parallel port and no fear that the printer doesn't come with any cable because I obvously have a printer cable to begin with.


- You've just read Rushita's heart - April 30, 2004 - 5:26 p.m. [ Comments ]

Day off

Today is a resting day. I'm always dead tired over the weekend because of work and more so the past one due to staying up figuring out about the domain issue and working on "the project". I'm just recuperating and catching up my sleep on Monday. I'm going to call what I'm working on "the project" until the website is ready to show the public and tel you what exactly I have been working on and what exactly the project is about.

I was going to a sculpture exibition today. When I drove all the way down to the sculpture centre, the door was locked @_@;; They weren't open for Monday and I didn't check carefully enough. So I paid $3 parking for parking my car for 5 minutes and drove all the way back. It wasn't too upsetting because I actually enjoyed the chance of getting out of the house into the really nice and warm sunshrine today. Fortunately the traffic was pretty good. When I drove back, I got a chance to drive through areas that I have never been to and would never go to and saw some really pretty and expensive houses. It must be a rich neighbourhood. It was a pretty nice drive and I think I really needed the sunshrine. I have stayed too much in the basement and indoors that don't have any window to see the outside.

Then I went to Business Depot to get some new pens and toner for my printer. I've been wanting to go but got too lazy. Now that the pen I use at work died, I must get a new one, otherwise I can't function tomorrow @_@;; I get very lost at work if I don't have my pen on my hand or in my pocket. I must have pen to sign or I can't do my work. A pen doesn't last very long and I think it only lasts for about 1 month. All I do is signatures and consider I sign my name 200 times each day at work, the ink really go fast. I've stopped opening packs of pens at work for store use because they disappear too fast. I swear there are germlins who stole all our pens at work. Each pack (10 to 12) of pens will mysteriously disappear in 7 days, which leaves the pharmacy staff constantly no pen to use no matter how many packs I open. So I decided we are not going to get pens or leave our pens at work. Each person brings their own pens and keep track of them >.> At least this way I have my pen to use and it is not going anywhere until the ink runs out. I buy these Pental ones that are fine and write really well. They are a bit more expensive but they are good. Since I use them up so fast, I got a pack of 12 this time. I didn't find the printer toner though. They now need special order probably it is an older model and each costs $42 e.e;; I seriously don't remember it cost so much when I bought it a few years ago. I think it was less then $20. So... I think I'm going to buy a new printer instead. I very rarely uses printer at home, but when I do, I never satisfy with its quality anyway. I love the really good quality pharmacy printer at work, but of course that business type would cost a fortune. I'll have to check out on printers.

I've just updated the Dishwasher Senshi page with the new chapter and new mini-story. I really want the book 3 to be completed. It has been left open for soooooooo long and it is really about time to finish up and move on. I really want some profiles too.....whenever xq can get to it >.> I really don't like waiting for people to get work done.....but it is not like I can do anything about it. I need some artists to draw some pictures too. Too bad the current readership is so low and nobody is interested and excited enough to give up some art. Grrr... Rushita can't draw. Wait...I did draw a couple, but that was when I was really inspired. Now I don't even have time. *Sigh* we are all too busy with our lives. At least I'm doing things that matches the purpose of life and God's plan. LAR is going to have to wait.... My room is done re-furnishing, but re-organizing my stuffs that are currently in the bags and boxes have got to wait too. I can actually move back up to my room but I'm not doing it yet until I have time to organize my stuff and move. Everything got to wait until the chinese version of the website for the project is released and me done all the translation work.

Now me go to bed....me tired e.e


- You've just read Rushita's heart - April 26, 2004 - 11:03 p.m. [ Comments ]

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