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Snow and work

We had our offical snow for this winter. It was snowing for 24 hours and I still don't know where the city shoveling team is. They've never come to our street and the snow all melted on it own by now. They didn't even shovel the main routes until like 12 hours later. I shoveled my driveway, and now my back and my right ribs hurts x.x;;

Must get snow tires o.o;; I finally went to get snow tires changed for my car yesterday. It is strange whenever I mention snow tires, people in US would think it is odd. Even for places in US that they do get as much snow as we do in Toronto, they don't seem to use snow tires. And Even for a lot of non-chinese here in Toronto, they don't seem to change snow tires. Probably people don't want to spend money on extra tires. Almost all Chinese I know of do this every year. You ended up using as much tires anyways. If a set of tires will last for 4 years, then the summer tires and snow tires rotate every half year will each last for 8 years. You pay a little more in the first year, then you don't have to pay again. It is the safety that counts. Mind you, it would cost more money to fix the car if something happens. I can't image how I can drive in snow/ice covered roads without snow tires. Tires compare to the actual cost of the whole car, it is nothing. And I paid for cost of changing snow tires with a cough syrup and a bag of Fisherman's Friend *laughs*. The mechanics is a friend of the family. When I called him, he wanted me to bring him something for his cough ^^;;

A little about work. I never rant about work. Work is boring and I don't think of work when I'm not at work. But right now, the "interesting" thing at work is, we are rebelling against the head office. Head office invented some gift/promotion/incentives to increase the sale of prescriptions and requires all stores to participate. But what they invented was actually against the law. And for reasons only God knows, they are not convinced that it is against the law even though the Ontario College of Pharmacists notified everyone in black and white that pharmacists participting in such thing will be subjected to discipline. So....Head Office wants pharmacists to do something that none of us will do. Nobody that I know of is doing it. We are not going to do anything against the College. We will certainly not put our licenses at risk. I think most pharmacists with the company are quite clear that we rather lose our job than lose our licenses. Some pharmacy managers are resigning to the College for the manager position and responsibilities because they don't want to have anything to do with this illegal thing which may put themselves at risk. Head Office forgot that we pharmacists are not "controllable". We are really our own boss and during work, we each make the ultimate decisions in pharmacy practice in our own shifts. Nobody in our whole store can tell us what to do if we don't agree, not even our bosses. We do what is right for the benefit of the patients and according to the law. We are only governed by the College, and we only have to answer to the College. It is the problem when people in the Head Office and high up on the rank are not pharmacists. They are only businessmen, and too often head office don't really understand how a pharmacy is run and what ethics we work under. This adds to the list of reasons I'm getting fed up with the head office. They are not going to fire us all for not participating in this thingy. They are too many of us and a big shortage of pharmacists. They can't fire us otherwise the stores won't be able to open. Head Office said they would back us up if the College takes action on us. Yeah right, you never know how far they actually will back you up and would you trust a bunch of people who have different mindset and vision from pharmacists but only focus on money? You know they would easily sacrifice you when it comes to a point where the lawsuit threatens the company. And fighting with the College will never win. College is the one who makes the laws and they are like the "police". The College decides on what is right and what is wrong. So until they get things changed and get it settled with the College, we are saying what we think is right and we are functioning against the Head Office. This is the first rebellion. I can predict there would be more to come. � � The College is the one who gave pharmacists the authority to make independent decisions. That is really good because we don't have to act against our will and beliefs because of our boss. The College is actually the one who back us up in situations like this. They are actually run by pharmacists, unlike the head office. Wise people would know we should always stand on the College's side.


- You've just read Rushita's heart - November 19, 2002 - 11:48 p.m. [ Comments ]

Early Christmas

Yay!! Christmas layout is done ^^. *collapses in exhaustion* It is a simple layout, but I think the colour is pretty ne. I didn't know the mouse rollover effect would be like that. I was only looking for a simple mouseover javascript and that's the effect show up on my Netscape browsers. Apparently it has a delay effect on IE. Anyhow, it serves the purpose. If you didn't pass throught the main door of Rushita.com when you get here, go take a look at the main layout now! Look at it and praise me.....muhahaha.....*sweatdrops* ^^. Now that I've done Christmas layout and listened to Christmas songs because of it, I feel like I'm half ready for Christmas already XD.

Mmm.....how about a Christmas wish list? I still want people to draw me picture of Rushita! I have contacted nice artist who did the picture that I named "Angel Rushita" to draw me a commission art. She is really good, but her commission arts aren't cheap @_@;; I think I still have money to burn. Artwork is kinda priceless, so I don't blame her. Frankly, if somebody requests me to do creative work (craftwork, in my case...) for money, it would be even more expensive in terms on $$ per hour. That's why when people ask how much I would sell ChuChu for, the answer is you would never pay enough. ChuChu and Gourry would cost at least $1500 CAD each for the labour cost e.e;;


- You've just read Rushita's heart - November 15, 2002 - 5:45 p.m. [ Comments ]

Working Hard

The site is long due for a new layout. But before I make a new one, it is almost time for Christmas, so I need to rush a site layout for Christmas first. Been working on it for the whole day @_@;; Finding the right image and thinking of what to do with the image is the hardest part. It is now almost done. Well, the design itself is done, but I still have to put text messages and links on it. I got the javascript to work, yay! XD This is like the first javascript that anyone will use, so if I didn't get it to work well on the first try, I swear I would go nutz @_@;; Yeah, I feel like to do a little fancy thing with this xmas layout, although the image is still very very simple. Finding the right image is so hard....

Sooo.... stay tune..... the new layout should be up on Friday. Now I need to sleep. I used my eyes too much fighting monster in Secret of Mana on the little screen, and I saw pixels too much from the layout image today @_@;;


- You've just read Rushita's heart - November 14, 2002 - 2:26 a.m. [ Comments ]

Trying to get back to normal routine

I'm trying to resume my normal routine. I went on a hunt for the comission art I paid for at Anime North 2002 that I still haven't received. To make the story short, that guy cheated my money and now I don't think he or GoStudios will ever reply. Thanks to a secret note from a friendly artist (whose name shall remind unknown to best protect her), apparently this person at GoStudios has been involving with stealing Japanese artist's work and claim his, and was selling them at Anime North. Their site is not there anymore and they didn't show up at AWA as they originally planned. Maybe they got in trouble with another con. Anyways, I'm not too concern about my money...... I'm just disappointed for not getting an art done for Rushita. I'll get somebody else to do a comission art for me.
I went for an ultrasound today. If I knew the building and parking was like that, I wouldn't go to this lab. That plaza and building was so crowed and after 10 turns in the parking building, I finally found a parking spot on the roof of the building @_@;; The real problem is, they don't have an elevator. After walking the creepy staircase 5 floors down, and get across to the office building, I had to work 2 floors up to the lab. There were just too many people and the elevator was so slow. When I saw the girl who was there long before me decided to sit down from waiting for the elevator for too long, I decided taking the stairs would be a better idea. And of course, I had to do the whole stairs thing in reverse direction when I was done. I really don't know how sick people can do that when they want to go see doctors.

I finally resumed reviewing websites. I actually managed to follow the schedule and have 1 done tonight. It was a nice webpage thankfully.

I've finshed Havest Moon, ended with one lovely wife, 2 kids, 5 happy cows, 8 chickens, a dog, a horse, and a farmland. ^^;; My current game is Secret of Mana. I don't think I've played that before in Super Nintendo, but then it was kind of surprising that I haven't played it before. It looks familiar enough and I like this kind of kawaii RPG ^^. This is a more challenging type of RPG because it actually relies on how fast or how well you press the control button when you fight. I think I like the strategic card game type that you take turn to make a move or cast a spell. That is not so heavy on my response and alertness...... ^^ Anyway, Secret of Mana is a nice game.


- You've just read Rushita's heart - November 12, 2002 - 12:16 a.m. [ Comments ]


Good. Presentation is done ^^. Too much stuff to present in 15 minutes. Fortunately it turned out fine. I put the full verison of the presentation materials up on the site. You can go take a look if you are interested ^^:
Florence Nightingale


- You've just read Rushita's heart - November 09, 2002 - 12:20 a.m. [ Comments ]

LAR Review Feedback

Ahh...surprise, surprise. I got a feedback e-mail from the owner of the site I reviewed on. It was a surprise because I haven't been reviewing for the past 2 months. Usually the feedback e-mails would come within a few day I post the reviews up. I do get a lot of feedback e-mails. People have been very nice surprisingly, even though I have been quite unforgiving in the reviews. ^^;; Maybe people like to hear the truth. It's always good to receive feedback e-mail. It makes you feel good to know that people actually listen to your recommendations and that they you are indeed helpful. That justisfies the long hours I spend on reviewing each site. Perhaps that would give me motivation to get back to the review desk.

My presentation is kinda done. I'm presenting it tomorrow, and working the whole weekend. So if everything is on schedule, I should be able to resume WP reviewing on Monday. Now, here is the schedule. Work on the presentation till tomorrow evening. Do the presentation. Work Saturday. Rest Saturday evening. Work Sunday. Rest Sunday evening. Go do ultrasound (again) on Monday. Do grocery shopping. Start a review on Monday afternoon. Work Tuesday. Design a layout for my site on Wednesday. Work again Thursday. Here is the plan for the whole week. See how much I can actually follow x.x;; Writing it out might actually help.

Bites from Altanta bugs still itches e.e;; Now me go do my round on people's blogs, and continue to work on the presentation.


- You've just read Rushita's heart - November 07, 2002 - 11:20 p.m. [ Comments ]

Religious Survey?

More survey/questions stolen from Miyu's blog :p

1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith?
No, I wasn't raised in any particular religious faith. My family has no religion. I had my quest for Christian faith myself. God came to me directly. Typical for Chinese young Christians of my generation.

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not?

3. What do you think happens after death?
After death, you have to face God and be judged. Those who believe in Jesus Christ and are reborn from the faith will stay with God and all His goodness for eternality. Those who don't, will be casted to where there is no God or any good thing you can think of, and suffer.

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)?
Religious ritual? There is no religious ritual for mainline conservative Christians. We come to God's house every Sunday to worship God. If you mean favorite church events, it would be the Musical Christmas Eve Service and the Good Friday Service.

5. Do you believe all people are basically good?
All human has sinful nature. Human are tend to sin. Some might try to be good, but none will succeed unless they believe in Jesus Christ, reconcil with God and have their sins forgiven. Unless you rely on God to help you to be good, nobody can successfully be good on their own.

Yes, typical Christian answers. Those who have ears should listen.


- You've just read Rushita's heart - November 02, 2002 - 1:10 a.m. [ Comments ]


Yay!! It works, it works! When you visit Rushita.com (and this blog) from today, you'll notice there is a niffy icon on the browser address box next to the URL (well, if you are using the newer version of IE5 or IE6 or NS7). ^^. I've been trying to figure out what people did to their sites in order to get that. It is so cool ^^;;. Thanks Mikomi-chan for pointing me to the right direction. Little things makes Rushita happy. ^^ Now, so if you are interested to know how that icon thingy (proper name is called "favicon") works, just ask me. I would be glad to tell you and make you happy too.

Ahh....so that was an Cancer, not Scorpio, but that was a scorpio-like cancer I tell you O.o;; All is fine now, no worries. ^^;; Don't take it too serious when you see Rushita rants here...he tee... You know what ranting in a blog is like ^^;;

What am I working on right now? Florence Nightingale Presentation @_@;; I've finshed reading the book, after staying up late so many nights, now I got to write up an essay type thingy to layout the content of the presentation, then I have to break it down into how I present it. I only have 1 & 1/2 week till presentation @_@;; Until then I will do nothing more, including updating my site (need a new layout e.e;;) or reviewing webpages. Anything that closely resemble school and school work is evil @_@;;


- You've just read Rushita's heart - October 30, 2002 - 11:17 a.m. [ Comments ]

Moonwings Rant

I think I sense a scorpio again. This time I have no info to confirm except to ask the person directly XD. When I talk to a young scorpio in a little more detail, I can always sense it. The typical attitude and stubborness. I told you 2 type of person I don't get along. They are either Scorpio or Libra. But this should be a scorpio, 'cause typical scorpio usually fail to comprehense what I say while chase your behind to no end. Libra on the other hand knows what I'm talking about but strive for the idea that I don't agree with.

Never question an admin's or a moderator's decision on closing a thread in a forum X.x;; It is hell annoying, especially when it is already explained at the end of the thread. If they are an admin or moderator, they know what they are doing XD. Closing a thread is not the end of the world, especially when it is not closed because of a problem but for other reason. Nobody duct-tape your mouth shut, you can start a new thread! e.e;; If you don't like the explanation at the end of the thread before it was closed, chances are you are not supposed to know more than what is already explained.

Sometimes you wish you can be evil and make a lot nonsense out-of-place post disappear. But I can't be that evil. All I did was politely closed a moved thread and then I deserved the demand of explaning myself, because I'm not evil enough. e.e;;


- You've just read Rushita's heart - October 28, 2002 - 12:28 a.m. [ Comments ]

Online Quiz - Elements

This is one of the better quiz I'm done. Quiet accurate indeed.


- You've just read Rushita's heart - October 27, 2002 - 2:42 p.m. [ Comments ]

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